

Accucorr 3000

We use Fluid Conservation Systems (FCS) leak correlation systems for all of our leak detection work. FCS has pioneered major advances in the field of water leak location technologies through their leak correlator systems. These computerized correlation technologies make possible the efficient resolution of problems associated with undetected underground water leakage.


WaterNet Survey has experienced great success using FCS equipment. We have used several generations of FCS leak correlators and we now use the Fluid Conservation System Accucorr 3000 leak correlator. Improvements have come not only in the sensitivity of the monitoring sensors, but also in the overall capability of the equipment to sort out and identify leak sounds. This latest generation correlator boasts an all digital system for collecting, transmitting, and processing data from the sound source to the final output. The all digital workflow means that there are no digital to analog conversions ensuring no chance for data degradation.

We now have in service the very latest FCS correlator. The Accucorr 3000 is proving to be superior to earlier models in finding smaller leaks.

In 2003 we were able to locate small leaks that we had previously encountered, but were unable to pinpoint using an earlier generation of FCS equipment. Some of these leaks were in a system that we had not surveyed for 7 years.

In 1996 there was a very faint leak sound at only one point. Without exploratory excavation to open another access point, the leak could not be found. Since the leak was very small and the utility was hesitant to spend resources in pursuit of it, we recommended that area be under observation until the next survey at which time it may have grown large enough to be located with the existing contact points.

The next survey was not conducted until 2003. The faint leak sound still could only be heard at one point, but this time the new equipment was able to complete a correlation and give us a location!

This added effectiveness can most probably be attributed to several improvements including the new all digital design. The new digital sensors can distinguish leak noises 10 times quieter than previous sensors and have a low frequency response down to 0.1 Hz. This means that not only smaller leaks can now be found, but leaks on large diameter and PVC pipe can be located more easily.

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